July 29, 2018

When we're young, we don't have wrinkles because the skin does a great job of stretching and holding in moisture. The dermis has an elastic quality thanks to fibers called elastin that keep the skin looking and feeling young. 
But over time, the dermis loses both collagen and elastin, so skin gets thinner and has trouble getting enough moisture to the epidermis. The fat in the subcutaneous layer that gives skin a plump appearance also begins to disappear, the epidermis starts to sag, and wrinkles form.
There's not a magic age (like 40) when everyone suddenly gets wrinkles. Some people in their 20's have little wrinkles around their eyes (called "crow's feet") from squinting or spending too much time in the sun.

Here are some ways to prevent getting many wrinkles at an early age:-

Avoid spending too much time in the direct sun, especially during the hours when the sun's rays are harshest (between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.). Ultraviolet (UV) rays cause many wrinkles. 

Don't smoke! Smoking robs your skin of precious moisture and causes premature (early) wrinkles. 

Moisturize dry skin, especially during months when the air is drier.

Drink sufficient water (4 Liters a day). Drinking a lot of water helps to get rid of wrinkles.
Also drinking warm water daily gives you a wrinkle free skin.

Now some home remedies for reducing wrinkles :-

1- Rice flour
Rice flour act as an excellent remedy for wrinkles.

Ingredients -

1 tsp rice flour
1 tsp honey
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp yogurt (curd/dahi)

Mix the ingredients apply it all over your face. neck and also hands. Leave it for 20 - 25 mins. Pat water to to your skin and gently start rubbing you face, neck and hands after 20 mins, and then wash your face with normal water.

It is also an exfoliation- as rice powder has small particles that act as an excellent scrub.
Clean your skin and give a fair and glow skin.
Gives you a wrinkles free skin within a few days.
Get rid of Tanning.

2- Say “No” to Soap.

If you’re someone who likes to wash your face in the morning to wake up, use warm water only and pass on the soap. After work, post gym workout, or before bed opt for a moisturizing cleanser instead of soap which will strip your skin of natural oils it needs to stay healthy. 

3- Hydrate with Healthy Oils.

Dry skin is far more prone to damage than healthy, moisturized skin. That said, choosing the right moisturizer, something natural and lightweight that doesn’t leave your face feeling greasy, is very important.  

4 - Get Your Vitamin C.

Strawberries, tomatoes, kiwi fruit, bell peppers, kale, broccoli, and, the most obvious, oranges, are just some of the foods high in L-ascorbic acid – also known as Vitamin C – that our bodies need to synthesize collagen.

5 -  Avoid Cigarette Smoke .

Studies have shown that cigarette smoke is damaging to your skin, among the very long list of other harmful effects. If you are frequently exposed to secondhand smoke, find ways to avoid it. Secondhand is actually worse than smoking because there is no filter between the toxic chemicals and your lungs.

6 - Sleep on Your Back .

There’s nothing like falling face down into your bed after a long, challenging day, but if you sleep like this night after night, with your face dug deep into your pillow, it could lead to permanent wrinkling.

7 - Add More Turmeric To Your Meals .

Sun damage is a sure path to premature aging, with exposure to the sun’s rays resulting in all sorts of problems. Not only does it cause wrinkling, but sagging, reduced skin elasticity, dark spots, freckling and spider veins. turmeric has been found in scientific studies to prevent many of those adverse effects.


Hope you have liked my post !!

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  1. Stress, smoking are the common causes of wrinkles. Thanks for sharing these easy tips for wrinkles removal. I started following it.

  2. Hi, Nice Blog!!
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