How to get rid of DARK CIRCLES ???

July 27, 2018

Dark circles can affect both men and women. Now there are many reasons for dark circles to appear under eyes - from stress, lack of sleep,hormonal changes,disturbed lifestyle, tensions in life, work burden, watching tv or busy in mobile phones a lot and can also a hereditary problem. But if not treated on time it can cause a serious issue to your health. 
Though chemical based products can help to get rid of dark circles, but the people who cannot afford or mostly dependent on home based remedies can also help them to get the good results .

We list down 5 some easy and affordable remedies to make ''your how to get rid of dark circles''

Let's begin -

1 - Cucumber

Cucumber gives the cooling effect to your eyes and also helps to get rid of dark circles
Apply cucumber slice to your eyes everyday for 20 mins. 

2 - Potatoes - 

Grate some potatoes and extract juice of the same. Now take a cotton ball and soak it in the juice. Close your eyes and place these cotton ball under your eyes. Make sure your eyes cover the entire area of the dark circles. Leave it for 15 mins and rinse it with cold water.
Potato will give  you the amazing result.

3 - vitamin e capsules 


Apply 2 drops of raw vitamin e capsules under your eye at night and massage it for 1 min and go to sleep. Wash your face and splash cold water to your eyes next morning.

4 - aloevera gel 

Apply raw aloevera gel at night to your under eye and massage it gentle.
Also you can mix both aloevera gel and  2 drops of vitamin e
 capsules and apply to your under eye.

5 -  Cold tea bags
Take a tea bag chill it by placing in the refrigerator for a while (half n hour). Place the eye bag over your eyes for 15 mins.
Use this process regularly to see considerable difference.


1 - almond oil- massage 2-3 drops of almond oil under your eye.
2 - Rose water - Apply rose water under your eye. Its also soothes and give a fresh look.
3 - Yoga and meditation - Stress, depression and a hectic lifestyle are the main reasons for your dark circles. Yoga and meditation if practiced regularly, it will not only decrease your dark circle but also balance your body, calm your mind.

Do try these out and share your experience with me !!
Hope you liked my tips !!
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